Yellowstone Backpacking Trip, 2014

This past summer, a group of our scouts (and some adults) took a backpacking trip to Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming.  They trekked over 50 miles in the northeastern part of the park, with a considerable portion in the famous Lamar River Valley. The crew hiked with two guides through the Yellowstone High Adventure Outpost. The boys carried all of their food and gear every day, with daily sections ranging from 5 to 12 miles. On some of the shorter days when there was extra time at the end of the day at the campsite, the scouts and adults enjoyed a range of activities, including fishing, swimming, and enjoying the beautiful views. While some days brought gloomy thunderstorms or cold mornings, the boys still had a lot of fun in Yellowstone.

After the trek, the crew jumped into cars and explored Yellowstone tourist-style: visiting Old Faithful and the Geyser Basin, Mammoth Springs, the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone (including Canyon Falls), and more.

Yellowstone vistaYellostone fishing