About Us

Who we are

Troop 233 has been an active troop since 1965, and meets at the Concord-St. Andrews United Methodist Church in Bethesda, MD.  We are composed of boys from Bethesda and the surrounding area, and are part of the National Capital Area Council, which includes the DC metro area.

During the school year, we camp out at least once per month.  Usually our program includes Backpacking, a beach campout, Klondike Derby, and a variety of other adventures.  We like to incorporate a monthly day event as well, which might be a hike or a service project.

In summer our program centers around scout camp and high adventure.  We usually have a strong turnout for our week at Goshen Scout Camp. For high adventure, our scouts participate in Philmont (backpacking), Northern Tier (canoeing), or other scouting programs.

Boy-led Troop

Troop 233 is a boy-led troop.  The scouts, through their elected leaders (Senior Patrol Leader and Patrol Leaders), are in charge of deciding upon, planning and carrying out their activities.  Adult leaders counsel, advise and guide the Junior Leaders.  Except when health and safety is at issue, adults do not direct activities in the way adults do in Cub Scouts.

Scouting is a unique organization because 10 and 11 year olds participate side by side with 16 and 17 year olds.  This range of ages gives older scouts the opportunity to develop leadership skills, and provides peer role models to younger scouts.

Visiting Troop 233

If you’re interested in our troop, please visit!  We meet on Mondays, but check the calendar to make sure that’s a “Troop Meeting” week.   Also please drop us a note so we know to expect you!

Check out our page for Sr. Webelos and their Parents interested in learning whether Troop 233 is right for them.