Troop 233 Welcomes Webelos to Boy Scouts

Troop 233 holds two events in June to welcome Sr. Webelos to Boy Scouts

On June 4-5, 2016, Troop 233 hosted several Senior Webelos in our annual Webelos Woods at Izaak Walton League in Poolesville. During this two-day campout, Scouts and Webelos interested in joining the Boy Scouts camped together and participated in a “crossing-over” ceremony at which Webelos became official Boy Scouts. The event also included skits, demonstrations, cooking, and other fun activities for the Webelos.

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Then, on June 10, 2016, a few scouts from Troop 233 participated in Pack 817’s end-of-year picnic and presentation of the Arrow of Light. Among the participating Boy Scouts were alumni of Pack 817 who just one year before received their own Arrow of Light. The Arrow of Light is the highest award in Cub Scouts and their first step in Boy Scouts.  At this annual event, four Sr. Webelos earned their Arrow of Light and were invited to join Troop 233. At least one Scout anticipates joining Troop 233 and we are hopeful that more will join by the end of the summer.
