New Kayak Rack at Goshen’s Camp Bowman

Camp Bowman, Goshen Scout Reservation, July 2016This year, Troop 233 sent a contingent of 26 Scouts to Camp Bowman for our annual week-long summer camp. Camp Bowman is one of the six camps at Goshen Scout Reservation nestled in the Shenandoah Mountains of Southwest Virginia. This was the troop’s first time at Camp Bowman and likely not our last!

For our service project this year, the scouts decided to build a kayak rack for the Chris Lantos Waterfront at Camp Bowman. The troop designed and built the kayak rack using donated materials while also attending merit badge classes and participating in numerous other events at Camp Bowman. It is our hope that the kayak rack will provide an enduring legacy of Troop 233’s first visit to Camp Bowman.

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