Author Archives: Amar Bhat

The First Blast of Winter – In November!

An intrepid party of eight Scouts and Adult Leaders backpacked (deliberately!) into the first significant snowstorm of 2016/17.  Saturday dawn was cloudless and cool, but as we started walking in Dolly Sods, the dark clouds of the approaching cold front overspread the sky. Just after our first fording of Red Creek, light showers started for […]

BYO Shelter

One camping trip that scouts, particularly the younger ones, typically look forward to is the annual survival weekend at Calleva Farm. Troop 233 each fall makes the short trip to practice their skills in making their own shelter in the woods of Calleva. Taking place soon after Halloween, the scouts build their own shelters from available […]

Shenandoah Backpacking Trip, Oct 29-30

Bethesda’s Troop 233 spent a glorious fall weekend backpacking through the Shenandoah Valley last October 29-30, 2016. The troop split into two groups, one consisting of senior scouts who tackled the White Oak Canyon trail, hiking up over 3000 ft and experiencing wonderful vistas and waterfalls. The second group consisted of younger scouts who hiked a portion […]

Maine Back Country High Adventure Trip, July 2016

In July, 2016, several scouts and leaders from Bethesda’s Troop 233 headed to the backwoods of Northwestern Maine for wilderness canoeing and hiking.  With a professional guide from the Boy Scout’s Matagamon Adventure Center, the group first climbed a peak in Baxter State Park.   Look for the picture of the group hunkered down in rain […]

Via Ferrata 2016 – Scaling New Heights

One of Troop 233’s more popular camping trips of the fall is the Nelson Rocks Outdoor Center in West Virginia, October 15-16, 2016. This year, the scouts had a choice of a spectacular fixed-cable rock climb (“Via Ferrata”), or, for younger scouts, a tree canopy zipline tour.  Set in the beautiful Shenandoah Mountains, the scouts had an […]

A Trip Through History – Gettysburg National Military Park

Bethesda’s Troop 233 made their annual trek this past weekend to Gettysburg, PA to hike the Gettysburg National Military Park.  Enjoying the beautiful weather, the scouts took a long hike through the park, hitting some of the major high points in the park. In addition, the scouts walked into Gettysburg and viewed a diorama re-enactment of […]

A Hot Day on Old Rag Mountain

On a bright, hot day in mid-September, a group of scouts and adult leaders headed out to Old Rag Mountain in the Shenandoah Mountains for Troop 233’s annual post-Labor Day hike. We also got the chance to welcome a couple of new scouts to the troop. In the end, after a challenge-filled hike in 90+ […]

New Kayak Rack at Goshen’s Camp Bowman

This year, Troop 233 sent a contingent of 26 Scouts to Camp Bowman for our annual week-long summer camp. Camp Bowman is one of the six camps at Goshen Scout Reservation nestled in the Shenandoah Mountains of Southwest Virginia. This was the troop’s first time at Camp Bowman and likely not our last! For our service project […]

Troop 233 Welcomes New Scoutmaster

Michael Schecter steps after 3 years of successful service as Scoutmaster At its June 6, 2016 Court of Honor, Troop 233 gave a hearty send-off to Scoutmaster Michael Schecter for his three years of highly appreciated service as Scoutmaster. Held in Marsden Tract campground in front of a bonfire, Troop held its last of the […]

Troop 233 Welcomes Webelos to Boy Scouts

Troop 233 holds two events in June to welcome Sr. Webelos to Boy Scouts On June 4-5, 2016, Troop 233 hosted several Senior Webelos in our annual Webelos Woods at Izaak Walton League in Poolesville. During this two-day campout, Scouts and Webelos interested in joining the Boy Scouts camped together and participated in a “crossing-over” ceremony […]